Monday, January 31, 2011


This week the giveaway will be a $25 gift card, just in time for Valentines Day! I will randomly select a winner Friday evening. :) That way I can mail the gift card out Saturday morning, so it gets to the winner in time for Valentines Day!

  1. You must be a follower of the blog
  2. Must leave a comment either telling me something you have learned from my posts or something you would like to see me post about
  3. Additional entry: Invite people to join the blog and they actualy join. :) (if you do this PLEASE let me know when they do, otherwise I won't know who to credit).
Good luck and happy saving!

Paying It Forward


  1. you are doing such a GREAT job! thanks so much for doing this for everyone but i know you love it just as much ;)good thing we have less than six months here otherwise i would have your figure out deals for Carrs Safeway and Fred Meyers(part of the Kroger franchise)LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. Anonymous31.1.11

    Your site is awesome! I just got (2) $50 gift cards for a local restaurant for a total of $8! I'm just starting, but from what I can tell, there is so much money to be saved. Thanks so much.

  3. as long as I have known you .you have always been a giver.time and time again you share your wisdom with others and never do it to make yourself look good or others look bad.That is a rare quality one does not find very often.please don't ever change except to get better.thanks for the site and sharing your blessing with all of other moms.stay blessed ladybug

  4. Thanks for sharing the panda express coupons. I am really learning a lot from your blog. I am seeing how easy it is to save money in short amount of time. I thought it took a lot of time and energy to sort, clip and use coupons but not really. Thanks for all you do.
